German – American Reunion 2002 (Bilder/Pictures)
German – American Honkomp Reunion / FamilientreffenSteinfeld / Oldenburg – 20.-23.September 2002
German – American Honkomp Reunion / FamilientreffenSteinfeld / Oldenburg – 20.-23.September 2002
Carolyn Honkomp from Cincinnati/Ohio USA and her son Prof. Timothy Honkomp from Fukuoka/Japan visited the Oldenburg are. The Honkomp’s way in Steinfeld, the origin of all Honkomp’s Timothy, Rita, Carolyn and Stephan Honkomp
Honkomp’s Cincinnati Ohio Sept.2000 New Vienna / Dyersville / Ashton Iowa Sept.2000
Louis Edward (Lou) and Mary Lee (Mappes) from Cincinnati/Ohio to the Roots in Germany, September 1999. Mary, Lou, Werner, Thamanns and Hanserts on the „Honkomper Weg“, location of the Honkomp Farmhouse in former times.
Roger (Rog) and Rosalie (Schoo) Honkomp from Roseville-Minneapolis/St.Pauls to the Roots in Germany, September 1999 Rog and Rosalie with a guide in Bremerhaven, the port of their ancestral emigration to the USA. They are standing on the harbor breakwater and looking toward the ocean and the USA.
Edward (Ed) and Mary Honkomp to the Roots in Germany, September 1997. This was the first vsit of an US Honkomp in Lohne/Oldenburg.
We were first there on Tuesday 19 April and first stopped by Blumen Honkomp; they told us we should go to the Bicycle Shop. We went to Honkomp Zweirad and Spielwaren and met a young woman that I believe was a girl friend of Norbert. She told us to return Friday 22 April. Friday we […]