The history of the emigration
from the former Amt Damme (Oldbg) ., particularly
to North America, within the years 1830 -- 1880,
written by Johannes Ostendorf

Contents overview
(Foreword by the Website Editor)
  1. Introduction
  2. The beginnings the emigration and the meaning of Franz Stallo as sapper of the settlement in North America
  3. The Emigration
    1. the Extent of the Emigration
    2. the Underlying Causes of Emigration
    3. Acquiring Land in America
  4. The Heuerling System
    1. the Origin of the Heuerling System
    2. Living Conditions of the Heuermann
    3. the Evolution of the Heuerling System
    4. Linen Weaving as Side Income for the Heuerleute
    5. the Heuerleute System in Holdorf, according to Early Sources
  5. Der Hollandgang - The Trek to Holland  by Bernard Völkerding
  6. List by name of the emigrants (Damme, Holdorf, Neuenkirchen)

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